My favorite websites and content in 2023
January 1st
DigitalHabitsCheckin, Screen Time

I keep this post rather short as it's more a post to my future self.
2023 was the year I quit more or less Metas social media. I used to be very active on Facebook and Instagram. I think, I started to value my time more since I became a dad. However, my screentime is not lower than anytime before. Here is what I’m into.
On a daily basis, I consume
- YouTube - Specific Channels I follow (mostly App, sometimes TV)
- Podcasts with Spotify (App)
- Hacker News (App)
- (Web)
- International news outlets, when something big happens (NYTimes, CNN, Süddeutsche) (Web)
- Reddit, several tech subs (App)
- LinkedIn (App and Web)
- Newsletters: I used to be subscribed to more newsletters but as I remember right, I did 2 unsubscribe sessions in 2023 to keep my inbox less crowded.
- On TV: Netflix, Arte App, SRF Play (Smart TV)
Interesting discoveries
- Since I seriously started using ChatGPT in spring 2023 (when GPT4 came out), my use of Google dropped significantly
- I stopped watching "live tv"
- I don't know what to do with except spreading our NETNODE content
- I use Facebook App for the marketplace when I'm looking for something for our daughter or want to sell something myself
- I mostly consume on my iPhone